March 14, 2018April 23, 2020

Sterilization Campaign

Sterilization Campaign


Campaign Target


₹22000 to go

Sterilization results in successful long-term population control. Spaying/neutering along with the vaccination of dogs living in our neighborhoods allows us to efficiently and humanely control their population. This means fewer dogs are born onto the street, to live in complete misery. Vaccination prevents rabies in both dogs and humans and thereby also eliminates conflicts between people and dogs.

Sterilized and rabies-vaccinated dogs who have returned to the place where they were picked up from, no longer have such a strong instinct to compete to mate or defend their offspring and are less likely to enter territorial disputes. Can you imagine a society where all community dogs have been sterilized and vaccinated? There would be happier dogs everywhere!

Pawzz works with vets and volunteers who can help in sterilizing these animals. Be part of this campaign and send your donations. In case you want to join this campaign kindly contact us.